MANTIS is an Ultimate Frisbee Women’s team based in Vienna, Austria.
Picture by TheNerd.at
We compete regularly in national and international tournaments, finishing 3rd (2013, 2019, 2021), 2nd (2014, 2015, 2016) and 1st (2017 and 2018) at Austrian National Championships. In 2015 and 2018 we came out as 4th best Club Team in Europe at EUCF. We put strong emphasis on improving and working together on and off the field. We are eager to support the growing of Women’s Ultimate in a local context and provide a competitive Ultimate training for Women in Vienna. We do so in organising a Women’s only indoor tournament each December (‘Merry Mantis’) and initiated a Women’s only HAT tournament (‘See it, be it’).
If you need more information or want to contact us please send an e-mail: vorstand@ultimatevienna.net
You can also find us on Instagram: instagram.com/mantis_vienna
You want to train with us?
Come along to our practice – we are always happy to see new faces! Please contact us beforehand.
In 2023, we train:
Mondays from 19:45 to 22:00 at KSV (Rustenschacherallee 3-5, 1020 Wien) – artificial grass